Round Red Clay Truffle - Viola
'Helen Mount'/Viola tricolor. Heirloom purple, yellow and white
blossoms. For garnishes, candying and salads. 5"-7" tall.
Clay Truffle rolled in cinnamon - Calendula/Calendula officinalis.
Bright orange heirloom flowers. Teas, salads and soups. Peppery.
Red Clay Brownie Square - Anise Hyssop/Agastache
foeniculum. Licorice-mint flavor. Blue flowers and leaves for teas,
slaads and garnishes. 24"-36" Tall.
White Clay Truffle - Nasturtium/Tropaeolum majus.
Peppery red, orange and yellow flowers for salads, soups and garnish. 14"16" tall.