Minty, a bit spicy, a tad sweet, with hints of exotic unfoldings…This
blend really draws you in. Enjoy the interactions of the complimentary
flavors as you sip this stimulating and caffeine-free drink.
USDA Organic and Fair Trade
Hint: You can steep this for as long as you want with no bitterness.
Water: 208°F | Flowers: One sachet per 12 ounce cup | Infusion Time: 4-6 minutes
Basic Steeping Tips
- Use filtered or spring water, whenever possible
- Don't over boil water - Remove leaves after recommended time (adjust to taste)
- If you want stronger tea, use more leaves instead of steeping for a longer time
This is a great digestive drink hot or cold.
Our Tea Priestess wanted a Peppermint Tea in our line, but not just plain Peppermint.
Inspired by her time in Turkey she designed this drink from her memories of the spice markets in Istanbul.